Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Additional Project #3

I think the main point Sir Ken Robinson is trying to make is that the school systems we put kids through in today’s society needs to be changed. We have been using the same system of learning that was created over a hundred years ago, and Mr. Robinson relates it to being in a factory since in schools they use bells and place children together in the same age group. I pretty much agree with everything he had to say and that there needs to be a change. I like how he points out teachers preach to students that there is only one answer and not to cheat, when instead children should be interacting with other students to find out numerous answers for one problem. I can relate to what he is saying because when I was in high school I sat quietly in my desk listening to my teacher or copying notes vs. getting the experience of using the internet and working in groups to come up with an answer. Considering the world around us is revolving around the use of technology as we speak our students need to be prepared for what they will be faced with when they enter college. The main issue that needs to be addressed is how students interact in the classroom with each other and how technology can really improve a students learning experience. The presentation as a whole was very nice. I liked this video of him better because instead of him walking back and forth on a stage there was actual images to watch about the facts being stated. I would want to be the narrator mainly because I don’t mind speaking in front of a lot of people and I’m not a very great artist.

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